As human beings, we have an incredible capacity to adapt to our environment. Sometimes that is an invaluable skill, but it can also play against us!
When things slowly change, we might not be able to notice that change and we gradually adapt to it, making every step of it our new normal. We might be slightly aware but not enough to do something about it.
I have been postponing taking my bike to be serviced for a long time. And sure, I knew it wasn’t optimal, I was aware of a few things but because the deterioration has been so gradual it became part of my daily routine, the clicks and the clunks part of my soundtrack, the fact that my legs way harder than they should, just a part of normal life (and sometimes even attributed to how tired or unfit I was).
But finally, the day came where it had to be faced!
From an outside (and technical) point of view, the mechanic saw everything that needed work, he saw all the parts that have been neglected and the ones that have been worn out. I took home a bike that felt completely new! And on the ride home I realised that though I knew it was bad, I had no idea how bad it actually was until it was good again! it was absolute bliss!!
This is about my bike, but this is not about my bike!
How often do we do forget how bad it is, until is good? How often do we forget to care for and work on certain aspects of ourselves and if that change is slow enough, do we even notice it? Or do we make it part of our daily soundtrack and keep dancing to its poor rhythm, applying so much more effort than what we need to?
In the spirit of this season (Autumn, not Christmas 😏), we are invited to pay attention to the parts of our lives that are no longer serving us, that are no longer aligned, the ones that click and clunk a bit too loud and that may be using too much energy. Energy that could and should be used to focus on the other aspect of this season: transformation!
So, I invite you to take a step back and look at the things that might be needing love, alignment, cleaning up. Perhaps make a list of what is using too much willpower (or leg power) and from an objective but kind place, what are the steps you can take towards alignment? What are the aspects that with enough love and attention, will start to run smoothly and make your daily soundtrack so much more enjoyable?
But please remember you are not a bike, you don’t need parts replaced and thrown. You probably don’t even need any dramatic changes, you might just need to shed the soft light of awareness into those parts, to pause to be with them, to love and care for them until it all runs smoothly and silently again.
All the love